Interview By Lauren O’Hara

Lost spirits in a new world
The life of two political refugees is hard going until they are legally allowed to work in the country

Why would two middle class Iranians want to leave their friends and family and seek political asylum in Cyprus? Freedom, or so they say. Freedom to express their artistic vision, freedom to live free from fear, freedom to dream their dream.

Lifestyle By Tracy Roth-Rotsas

Beach bar culture

If you want somewhere to pass the evening in Limassol, head to the beach where a whole host of new bars have sprung up

What’s On By Zoe Christodoulides and Chris Ekin-Wood

Love, passion and masks

Giuseppe Verdi’s A Masked Ball performed by the Mariinsky Theatre will form the centre piece of this year’s Aphrodite Festival

How often do you get to see one of the world’s most talked about operas? Be part of the crowd this September as Giuseppe Verdi’s Un Ballo in Maschera (A Masked Ball) takes to the stage.


Feeling Good with nutritional therapist Nikki Dake

Shrug off summer stress and chill out
Simple herbs and spices can bring you relief and improve your quality of life

Diary By Agnieszka Rakoczy

The show is upstairs
A few days ago, while on a cycling tour of old Nicosia in search of some anarchist slogans on its crumbling walls (I was looking for Mane Tekel Fares but found only old OXIs), I stopped in Ledra Street to buy myself a new pair of sunglasses.

BEST OF 2005-06

I’m not just old, I’m pre-millennial. I’ve been reviewing films for this paper for almost 10 years now – and another movie season is about to end, our cinemas easing into their annual August slumber for a three-week hiatus before getting back to the summer blockbusters. (The next big film is the biggest of the lot, the Pirates of the Caribbean sequel on August 25.)

Plant of the week with Alexander McCowan

Snakes, tourists and herbalists

Rauvolfia (Rauvolfia serpentina or snake root) is a shrub member of the Apocynaceae, growing to about 1.5m in sub-tropical Asia. It is a spindly evergreen plant with whorls of leaves, red flowers and yellow fruit, which, surprisingly, appear at the same time.