Five things Covid-19 can’t cancel


Just when the weather is finally – FINALLY – turning out nice again, everything’s cancelled! But that doesn’t mean you have to stay indoors. As long as you’re careful (avoid others, don’t take the lift, try not to lick the banisters), there’s a whole world of flowering fields, quiet hiking trails and peaceful bike paths to enjoy. Head to the hills, take a drive to the beach, watch the clouds go by, take photos of our gorgeous Mediterranean flora, and thank the stars you’re not stuck in the rainy UK! Enjoy the beauty of empty spaces. Get out there and breathe!


This is your chance to indulge in a little self-care. While everyone else is pulling a panic, sit back and appreciate a bit of peace: light the expensive candle, take that luxuriously lengthy shower or languish in a lavender bath. It’s an opportunity to start the journal, read the book, or listen to the podcast you’ve never had time for. Or try meditation – there will be times when enforced inactivity has you climbing the walls, and though a spot of Om may sound silly, it really does work at calming the mind. Rather than seeing the lack of Things To Go To as a negative, revel in the positive: listen to the silence and breathe.


Not physically. But how long has it been since you’ve called your family, emailed a friend, or written a letter? Now is the time to catch up with old friends, make the phone calls you’ve been putting off, and reconnect with family members abroad. Research has proven that social connectedness is as good for your health as quitting smoking or starting an exercise programme, but when gatherings of over 75 people have been cancelled, you’re going to have to focus on quality rather than quantity. Which means that inviting a friend over for coffee, attending your book club, or just ringing your dear old Mum will be extra good for the soul. And let’s face it, with corona now a global pandemic, you won’t be short of conversation topics!


What an opportunity to get a jump on Christmas! Knit those sweaters, make those cards, bead that jewellery, sew the clothes – get that gift list in order and you’ll thank yourself come winter! Or you could use the extra time to take up a hobby: if you’ve always wanted to learn to code, set up your own website, begin a blog, or start that novel, this is your chance. Creativity has been shown to calm the brain and body, increase problem-solving skills, and decrease tension. And who among us couldn’t use a little stress reduction in these trying times?


Everyone has that drawer (or shed, or entire room) that preys on the mind. How much better would it feel to pitch in and clear out the messy spaces, get the garden in order, or just catch up on the endless round of bill-paying? Start on your To-Do list, pull a Poppins, and you might just find there’s an element of fun in every job that must be done. And while it feels great to check things off, you’ll also be increasing your sense of control at a time when the whole world seems to have gone corona crazy!