Decision postponed on Paphos legal advisor

Paphos municipal council failed to reach a decision on Wednesday over the mayor’s call to remove their legal adviser Polykarpos Phillipou.

Municipal councillors could not agree on the procedure they should follow and said they would seek legal advice on how they should proceed.

Paphos mayor Phedonas Phedonos read out a letter he had sent to the councillors in which he had outlined the reasons he thought Phillipou should be immediately removed saying the advisor was not able to offer legal advice with the necessary competence, objectivity and reliability nor could he be trusted to have the municipality’s best interests.

Municipal files have been lost and Philippou made a “strange intervention in the Paphos waste management case (Xyta),” the mayor said.

Some members argued they could not vote as he represented them in another case while others challenged Phedonos’ right to vote as he “dislikes” Phillipou.

Meanwhile, other members argued three municipal councillors of Disy should be exempt from voting as they are lawyers and their offices could potentially have ties with that of Phillipou’s.

The session was postponed without any decision taken.