Condolences sent to Russia

President Nicos Anastasiades on Tuesday condemned on the deadly attacks in Volgograd in a letter of condolence he sent to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“It is with utter shock that I received the news of the separate heinous attacks at the Volgograd train station and at a bus that regretfully took the lives of innocent civilians and wounded many others, some of whom are sadly only of young age,” Anastasiades said in his letter.

The President conveyed the deepest of condolences on behalf of the government and the people of Cyprus and wished strength to the grieving families and a speedy and full recovery to the injured.

“While condemning these deplorable attacks and extending our strong solidarity, Ι join the call for bringing to justice the ones responsible,” the President said.

Letters of condolence were sent also by the House President Yiannakis Omirou to the Chairman of the State Duma Sergey Naryshkin and the Russian Federation Council Chairwoman Valentina Matviyenko.