Urgent appeal for donor match

A 16- YEAR-OLD school girl from Paphos is in urgent need of a bone marrow transplant to aid her recovery from acute leukemia.

Kathryn Hadjipetrou was diagnosed with the condition just over three weeks ago and was immediately admitted to the Makarios Hospital in Nicosia where she has remained ever since.

Her mother Heather Hadjipetrou, who hasn’t left her daughter’s side since she was admitted said the teen was currently undergoing chemotherapy  to prepare her for a vital bone marrow transplant.

“Kathryn is leading such a full life and is hoping to study a theatre and TV production course at York University. Her diagnosis was a devastating shock to us all but Kathryn has remained positive throughout,” she said.

Prior to her diagnosis, the teen had been feeling tired and had a couple of bruises but didn’t show any abnormal symptoms.

According to Margaret Efstathiou, a close family friend, a regular blood test was expected to show that Kathryn might have been slightly anemic.

“Instead the results were shocking and showed that Kathryn had leukemia. Further tests confirmed that she had the type of leukemia which can only be cured with a bone marrow transplant.”

Efstathiou, whose own children have grown up with Kathryn and her 18-year-old brother Nick, is the proprietor of the Pit stop pub on the Tomb of the King’s road in Paphos. She decided to hold a blood drive to help find a match.

Kathryn’s mother said: “My daughter will have to remain in hospital until a bone marrow match is found and then she will have to receive the treatment in another country, as there aren’t the facilities available in Cyprus to carry out the procedure.”

The 16-year-old faces a long road to recovery once a match is found. 

If there aren’t any complications, Kathryn will then have to stay in hospital for a further month. All being well, she will then be allowed to leave the hospital but will have to stay close by to attend regular appointments and checks.

“All in all we have been told the time involved to complete the treatment abroad will be around six months,” said her mother.

“The staff of the Makarios hospital have been wonderful and Kathryn is being well looked after.”

According to her mother, Kathryn wanted to convey her heartfelt thanks to her family, friends and well wishers, ‘who have all provided support, positive energy and love.’

Efstathiou said, “Kathryn is an incredible child and very popular. She puts all of us whingers to shame and is happy that more people registering on the list will help others  even if no match is found for her.”

These days a bone marrow transplant is a simple procedure and is similar to giving blood, Efstathiou said.

 “The donor is given something to enhance the blood prior to the procedure. Their blood is then run through a machine and all the required components are extracted. The blood is then immediately passed back to the donor. There are no side effects, except maybe some tiredness which is usual after giving blood.”

The quest to find a donor for Kathryn will take place on Sunday   between 10am and midday, at the Pit stop pub on the Tomb of the Kings Road.

For further information contact Margaret Efstathiou on 99482426 or email [email protected]