Body theft suspects will go to trial

THREE SUSPECTS implicated in the theft of the remains of former president Tassos Papadopoulos will be tried by the criminal court, it was decided yesterday.

The Nicosia district court referred 30-year-old Indian national Sarbjit Singh, convicted lifer Antonis Kitas, 44, and his brother Mamas, 48, to trial by the criminal court to start on May 17.

Kitas, a convicted murderer and rapist had also implicated two other people, who were arrested but then released on the instructions of the Attorney-general as there was no evidence suggesting their involvement as alleged by Kitas.

The charges faced by the trio include conspiracy to commit a misdemeanour, insult of religion, exhumation of body and offending the memory of a deceased person.

Singh also faces separate charges of extortion and forgery.

According to the charge sheet, Singh demanded — with threats — €100,000 from Papadopoulos’ family in order to reveal the location of the remains.

He also forged an identity card and presented himself as a Bulgarian national while residing on the island illegally.

The Indian man and Mamas Kitas will remain in custody until their trial. All suspects are expected to be formally charged on May 17.

Papadopoulos’ remains were stolen in December last year and were found earlier this month, buried in a cemetery not far from the original burial site.

Police arrested Singh after he contacted the family and that soon led to the arrest of Mamas Kitas and subsequently the implication of Antonis Kitas – believed to be the mastermind.

It has been alleged that Kitas wanted to exchange the remains for an early release either through a presidential pardon or through the parole board.