Mr Loizou seems a confused soul

Mr AP Loizou’s rant in your Letters page (August 15) has the hallmarks of a very confused soul.

Skipping over the scare tactics and incitement to violence implicit in his glorification of Enoch Powell’s ‘rivers of blood’ and the anti-Arab riots in Cyprus in 1988, those comments alone must have snuffed out any revival of the property market in Cyprus…

Instead, I took up his invitation to read the letter from Alan Waring (‘Loizou’s article adds insult to injury’, Sunday Mail, July 26).

His letter makes some very valid points and nowhere can I find any reference to Mr Loizou not having done anything to tackle the title deeds problem.

Mr Waring’s letter was very clear in denouncing all slurs, including any that might be directed at e.g. property buyers, pressure groups, the property industry, the government and even Mr Loizou himself. The letter seemed to be illustrating in rhetorical question style just how easy it is to make daft slurs against anyone. As the letter said, all such slurs are idiotic and unworthy.

So why is he biting the carpet? A letter complaining about slurs hardly warrants such a tirade about ‘fanaticism’ and references to the fish market. Perhaps Mr Loizou is on a one-man mission to rid Cyprus of all foreigners permanently. He should be careful what he wishes for because it is already happening!

Sadly, foreigners now believe that Cypriots only want to grab their money and do not want them to actually visit or live here. Far from forging a common bond, Mr Loizou’s comments serve only to encourage a ‘them and us’ situation and scare foreigners from coming to Cyprus.

A. Dent
Oroklini, Larnaca