Talat’s attitude makes rotating presidency solution dubious

Mehmet Ali Talat latest attitude towards the opening the Limnitis crossing should cause serious concern as to whether the Greek Cypriots will ever be able to govern together with the Turkish Cypriots if a solution to the Cyprus problem is ever agreed upon.
His mentality that he will not open the crossing because the Turkish Cypriots do not have anything special to gain from it; he himself said this, proving what type of a person he really is.

The truth is that they have nothing to lose from it either and they are unwilling to show even the tiniest bit of goodwill over something so simple and straightforward.

Remember he and President Christofias agreed that in the event of a solution there would be a rotating presidency, therefore for two whole years the Greek Cypriots would have to suffer this puppet of Ankara as their President, the guy who couldn’t even show the slightest bit of goodwill unless the Turkish Cypriots have anything to gain from it.

Can this guy be trusted as President? He is supposed to be one of the most dovish of Turkish Cypriot politicians.

Tomorrow if there is a solution and when it’s the turn of the Turkish Cypriot to take on the presidency, it is pretty obvious judging by his attitude over Limnitis that he will only look after the interests of the Turkish Cypriots and more so Turkey. And if it’s not Talat, it may be somebody much worse.

All this has to be taken very seriously by the Greek Cypriots, maybe some other form of federation should be sought or a two-state solution. 

Greek Cypriots must ask themselves, in light of the Turkish Cypriots mentality over Limnitis and on what Talat said, who do they really to be their leader for two whole years?

Akis Gregoriou
Liverpool, UK