Thinking it through: a guide to critical thinking

Critical thinking has become the latest educational buzzword, but it needs to be implemented across the board

DESPITE the overwhelming consensus about the importance of critical thinking in educational programmes and curricula, learning in most cases still remains a passive, non-engaging process and experience.

Ten per cent hike in water bills for Nicosians

WATER BILLS for Nicosia will increase at ten per cent starting April 1, to cover the Water Board’s cost of buying water from the Water Development Department at an increased tariff.

Since 2001 the Nicosia Board has been refusing to pay the Water Development Department the €0.77 per cubic metre it charges, and has been paying only the €0.57 per cubic metre it charges the public.

Minister will give position on casinos after Easter

THE COMMERCE Minister is expected to give his final position on the creation of casinos after Easter, he said yesterday.

Minister Antonis Paschalides was yesterday invited to the House Commerce Committee to update deputies on how the situation was progressing.

Christofias says gaps can be bridged

THERE is potential to fill the gaps between the two sides in the current talks, President Demetris Christofias said yesterday after meeting Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat.

Christofias said yesterday’s meeting, where the leaders continued discussion on EU affairs, was “good without generating feelings of euphoria”.

Questions raised over influx of new DIKO voters

FOLLOWING her failure to get elected as DIKO deputy leader on Sunday, Antigone Papadopoulou yesterday questioned how many new voters who had participated in the elections were real party supporters.

Papadopoulou said she had “seen with her own eyes” voters affiliated with DISY, AKEL and EDEK casting their votes on March 15.

Dawn sweep for illegal immigrants

TWO HUNDRED immigrants were rounded up and their residence papers inspected during the early hours of yesterday morning, police said.

The large-scale police operation was carried out in the old part of Nicosia while the majority of immigrants were fast asleep in their beds.

Leaders lend support to joint business initiative

PRESIDENT Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat yesterday lent their joint support to a business initiative aimed at bringing the economies of the island closer together.

The project, the brainchild of the Turkish and Greek Cypriot Chambers of Commerce and sponsored by the UNDP, aims at building stronger economic links between the two communities.

UN visitors ordered out of Famagusta

A GROUP of UN officers on a cultural tour of occupied Famagusta were ordered out of the occupied areas by Turkish Cypriot military police.

Failure to leave the area immediately would result in their arrest, they were told.