Assisted suicide

Mr Sewell (‘A friend to aid one’s end is a friend indeed’, August 20) refers to ‘theologians’ who “preach and prate… not to play God and determine their own end” as if they alone were responsible for determining current legislation.

The truth is rather different.

Opponents of euthanasia and assisted suicide include:

The British Medical Association;  The Royal College of Nursing;  The Royal College of Physicians;  The Royal College of General Practitioners;  The Royal College of Psychiatrists;  The Royal College of Anaesthetists;  The Association of Palliative Medicine of England and Ireland and the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (who treat some of the most distressing forms of cancer).

I hope this gives a more balanced view, as Mr Sewell was rather selective with the facts.

Eileen Wojciechowska
Bampton, Oxfordshire