Eleftheria Square questions

Having read your article about Eleftheria Square (May 28), I felt that at last, someone was asking the right questions.

I attended the exhibition of all the entries that quietly took place in the Famagusta Gate and was very impressed by the many plans that were presented that were not so “invasive” as the winning entry.  

And by the way, who voted for the winning entry?

As an ex-Torontonian, the plans for the moat would look great in Toronto, or New York, or Tokyo but personally, I feel that they are out of place in Nicosia.

The moat is lost in that plan, as glamorous as the plan is. The whole atmosphere of Nicosia is lost.

Actually, if you want to sort out the traffic problem, I am sure that if we throw enough money at the traffic problem, as we are eventually going to do with these exotic plans, we could come up with something more in keeping with Nicosia.  

Yes, I would like to vote for the plans that are best suited.  Mrs Marangou has the right idea.  
We need to look at this more deeply. Come on Public, complain!
Sandra Tryfon, Nicosia