A moral dilemma

In your letters page, LL appears to justify the poisoning of dogs as the owners will not listen to his, quite legitimate, complaint about their barking. He also states that it is not the fault of the dog but that of the owner. As I assume he has taken all the necessary steps through the law to solve his problem should he not think it more fair to poison the owner rather than the dog.

I have a neighbour with a baby which screams and cries all day unless the mother repeatedly sings “And the wheels on the bus go round and round” at the top of her voice, which makes it impossible to sit in my garden and read your paper or indeed write a letter. I don’t know whether I can buy Lanate or not but I do have easy access to a shotgun. Can LL please give it some thought and advise me whether I should shoot the baby or the mother. Either one will solve the problem but I just can’t decide which from a moral point of view.

RB, Protaras