Greek Press

ALITHIA: “He gave both what they wanted” The daily reported that the revised UN plan caused concern to the Greek Cypriot side in relation to the contents and the approach on certain issues. The UN stressed that they gave both sides what they had asked for during the negotiations. In contrast to the Greek Cypriot side, the Turkish Cypriot side appeared satisfied from an initial reading of the plan, Alithia said.

HARAVGHI: “Strong discontent” AKEL’s mouthpiece yesterday commented that the plan had satisfied almost all of the Turkish Cypriot demands while creating discontent for the Greek Cypriots who are concerned on how to proceed. The Greek Cypriot side noted there were no negotiations and that the UN had satisfied the Turkish demands, some of which were outside the plan’s framework and reversed its balance.

SIMERINI: “He have the Turks everything” Simerini commented that UN Secretary-general Kofi Annan gave the Turks almost everything and assured the bizonality and purity of the “Turkish state in the north” as well as the permanent derogations from the EU acquis communautaire. The positive elements for the Greek Cypriot side are the acceptance of the Human Rights Convention and rotating presidency’s of the House and senate.

MACHI: “This is the imposed Annan plan” The daily reported yesterday that the Greek Cypriot side considered the fourth version of the UN plan unfair and unbalanced. The UN included almost all the Turkish demands and it is not a coincidence that members of the Turkish delegation were celebrating that the plan included permanent derogations.

POLITIS: “They satisfied Ankara” Politis yesterday reported that a tough and persistent give and take on the whole plan was necessary for the Greek Cypriot side to achieve some of its goals, which were not satisfied in the new version of the plan. The Turkish side will start the 48-hour negotiation with an advantage – it secures a pure state and longer transitional periods for the settlement of Greek Cypriots in the north. The Greek side wins several points concerning the functionality, the daily said.

PHILELEFTHEROS: “Our last card” The daily reported the Greek Cypriot side would put forth its final attempt to improve the plan with the support of Greece. Sources said the plan cannot be accepted as is noting that it contained points beyond the concession limits of the Greek Cypriot side. The UN have given a two-day period for discussions aiming in finalising the plan before going to the referenda.