Union positive on bank mediation proposal

THE BANK employees’ union ETYK yesterday accepted the Labour Minister’s proposal aimed at resolving the month-old dispute over the renewal of their collective agreements.

During a meeting yesterday morning, the union decided unanimously to propose the approval of the proposal to the general assembly.

Earlier on, ETYK Secretary-general Loizos Hadjicostis said the union was satisfied with the proposal, which fully covered the targets set by ETYK from the start of the dispute.

Hadjicostis said it was his belief that his organisation would respond positively to the minister’s proposal.

Labour Minister Andreas Moushiouttas said that in preparing the proposal he had kept in mind two EU guidelines concerning flexibility and functionality of businesses and securing employees and their rights.

ETYK and the banks have one week to respond to the proposal, which is non-negotiable.

Reports said the proposal includes an extension of customer service time by half an hour and the right for the banks to employ seasonal staff from May 15 until September 15.