Taxi drivers suspend strike pending new talks

THE URBAN Taxi Federation (POAT) yesterday agreed to suspend its strike until negotiations were completed between the Communications Ministry and the union co-ordinating committee.

The committee yesterday met with House President Demetris Christofias, who urged them to stop the strike and enter negotiations to find a solution to their demands that the Licensing Authority cancel all applications for new professional driving licences.

Christofias told the committee he had spoken with Communications Minister Averoff Neofytou, who assured him that no taxi licences would be issued until discussions between himself and the committee were completed.

Union co-ordinator Kyriacos Moustsakas asked Christofias to intervene to bring the dispute to an end.

Meanwhile, at Larnaca airport, where violent incidents erupted on Thursday, after private cabbies attempted to drop off and collect passengers in defiance of the strike, it was business as usual for airport taxis, who had joined the strike earlier in the day in support of their colleagues.

But Neophytou yesterday launched an verbal assault against Moustakas, accusing him of misinforming the strikers that licences would be issued when his Ministry had no such intention.

He also accused Moustakas of being behind Thursday’s violent acts, as well as organising the blockade at the Larnaca airport roundabout later in the evening.

Neophytou said it was only a matter of time until the problem was solved, but castigated Moustakas for having been “rude” to deputies and government officials last year when talks was taking place on whether taxis should be painted a uniform colour.

“In no way will I give Moustakas a lifeline,” he said. “He made a mess. Let him clean it up.”

The president of the Communications and Works Committee, Nicos Pittokopitis, urged the strikers to be responsible and enter discussions to find a solution to their problem.

The DIKO deputy slammed Thursday’s incidents and the industrial action in general, saying the cab drivers should not have gone to such extremes.