Pilgrimage to Apostolos Andreas

THE LATEST Greek Cypriot pilgrimage to the Apostolos Andreas monastery in the occupied areas will take place on November 30.

The Service for Humanitarian Issues says that an as yet unspecified number of people will be allowed to visit the monastery on the apostle’s name day.

It says those interested in going should apply between November 1 and 5 for an application form from the Service’s office in Nicosia or from the district offices in all other towns.

Completed applications should be sent to: The Humanitarian Issues Service, Government building 42, Ayii Omoloyites, Nicosia by 2pm on Friday, November 5.

All applications arriving after Friday or submitted on forms issued for previous pilgrimages will not be taken into account.

The Service also said that those who had already been on a pilgrimage need not reapply.

Priority will be given to the aged, people who once lived in the area or who have relatives who are enclaved, the handicapped, the seriously ill, close relatives of missing persons or of the fallen, and Cypriots living overseas.

A list of the successful applicants will be printed later in the press.

The Apostolos Andreas pilgrimages are carried out under the auspices of the United Nations and with the consent of the Turkish Cypriots.

Similar pilgrimages are also organised for Turkish Cypriots wanting to visit holy Islamic sights in the free areas, including the Hala Sultan Tekke at Larnaca salt lake.

The last pilgrimage to Apostolos Andreas was in August, when approximately 700 Greek Cypriots made the journey.